Tuesday 15 March 2011

TV Drama - Doctor Who Exam Question Analysis

After reading through Candidate A, B and C's answers i think that:
Candidate A is a B grade
Candidate B is an A grade
and Candidate C is a C grade.
All of the candidates explain and argue points that are relevant to the question. Candidate A explains points and uses media terminology, but some of the points aren't linked and some paragraphs don't flow properly and begin to sound like waffle. There are some very good points made in A's answer but not enough analysis on each of them. Candidate B however, uses very good terminology and the points are all backed up with evidence from the clip. B also includes all 4 aspects of TV dramas, mise-en-scene, editing, sound and camera shots and angles, within their answer and provides a full analysis of each. Finally, candidate C, although backing up their evidence with some good points, doesn't analyse each point fully. C also doesn't include all 4 aspects like B does and focuses on minor points on sound and editing. When C does make points, they didn't relate them back to the question either. C didn't link many points back to their question, wheras A and B did. However i think that Candidate B stole the A grade for their use of analysis and relation back to the question using all 4 aspects.

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