Thursday 21 October 2010

Magazine Shots

                                                      These are a few of the shots we got for our college magazines.

The shots we needed had to be medium close ups of a student in college. For this shot we had the student stand in front of a tree and then threw leaves in front of the camera lens. We used a simple medium close up shot as this is one of the conventions that most magazines use for their front covers. We had the student smiling rather than looking serious as it would reflect the feel of the college and the magazine more if the front cover had a happy/ fun side to it. The second picture we took on an angle from above. We had the student sit on the bench and smile and used the rule of thirds to get her into the furthest left third while having all the autumn leaves behind in the background. For the third picture we put the camera on a timer and rested the camera on the floor. This way we could get a clear picture of ourselves but the leaves at the front near the lens would be out of focus. I used this as the contents page as the main focus of the photo is in the middle, meaning there would be room for the name of the magazine at the top of the page and room for the contents list at the bottom of the page.We also practiced with different camera shots.

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